Plant bug insects can be divided roughly into two groups, namely : (a) those that bite and chew their food and (b) those that possess a sucking tube through which they extract their food by means of piercing the leaves of plants. Too bad they are not equipped with a loud speaking tube too, then we'd know when the pesky critters were at work."
To combat leaf-chewing insects, stomach poison controls must be applied to the attacked plants. Of these the most common are Sevin. Today on the shelves of many garden supply stores you will see innumerable brands displayed, all concocted by chemical companies according to their experience and tests. All these branded controls are made available through laborious modern scientific research. Some stomach controls are nonpoisonous to humans and animals. That is one reason we like going organic with a natural product like neem oil as an insecticide.
To combat sucking insects contact poisons and nonpoisonous controls must be applied to the attacked plants. Of these the most common are malathion, horticultural oil, and insecticidal soaps. Today on the shelves of garden supply and retail nurseries you will see innumerable brands displayed, all concocted by well known chemical companies in their modern research laboratories. Most are available either in powder or liquid forms.
Some insecticides act as both stomach and contact poisons.
Fungus diseases as commonly known, are rusts, mildews, blights, rots, cankers and leaf spots. They are caused by parasites that live on food manufactured by plants. These parasites increase rapidly during damp humid weather and spread by spores usually through the action of wind and rain and sometimes by mechanical assistance. To combat fungi, controls either liquid or dust must be applied periodically to the attacked plants. Of these the most common are bordeaux mixture, sulphur, copper powders and solutions, lime-sulphur and concentrated ammonia. Today on the shelves of seed stores you will see innumerable brands on display. If in doubt at all, you name your problem and let your favorite nursery prescribe the remedy.
Bacteria are the some of the smallest form of life the gardener will come in contact with. They are spread by insects and cause scab, blight and wilt. Control the insect carriers of bacterial diseases by spraying often.
Virus diseases are spread by sucking insects such as aphids. Aphids are small, soft bodied, and numerous in species and color. Control the insect carriers of virus diseases by spraying with any of the well known contact sprays.
Physiological diseases from excessive drought or too much rainfall; from poor ventilation or even mechanical injury, must be controlled by some counteracting measure of cultivation or method of production like ginger plant care. Damping-off for instance can be checked by soil sterilization, proper ventilation and by charcoal and mercurial treatments. Do this tips in order to care for your ginger plant and others plants.
Early in the morning or in the evening is the best time to apply either liquid sprays or dust controls. Stomach poison controls should be applied after a rainfall; disease controls before, if possible. Do not apply insecticides or fungicides if the temperature is 78 degrees or more, else foliage burning may result.
Start insect and fungi control in the autumn of the year by tidying up your garden. Burn all rubbish ; cut out dead twigs and branches and burn them too; and in early spring commence spraying; don't wait until infestation is beyond control. - 29857
To combat leaf-chewing insects, stomach poison controls must be applied to the attacked plants. Of these the most common are Sevin. Today on the shelves of many garden supply stores you will see innumerable brands displayed, all concocted by chemical companies according to their experience and tests. All these branded controls are made available through laborious modern scientific research. Some stomach controls are nonpoisonous to humans and animals. That is one reason we like going organic with a natural product like neem oil as an insecticide.
To combat sucking insects contact poisons and nonpoisonous controls must be applied to the attacked plants. Of these the most common are malathion, horticultural oil, and insecticidal soaps. Today on the shelves of garden supply and retail nurseries you will see innumerable brands displayed, all concocted by well known chemical companies in their modern research laboratories. Most are available either in powder or liquid forms.
Some insecticides act as both stomach and contact poisons.
Fungus diseases as commonly known, are rusts, mildews, blights, rots, cankers and leaf spots. They are caused by parasites that live on food manufactured by plants. These parasites increase rapidly during damp humid weather and spread by spores usually through the action of wind and rain and sometimes by mechanical assistance. To combat fungi, controls either liquid or dust must be applied periodically to the attacked plants. Of these the most common are bordeaux mixture, sulphur, copper powders and solutions, lime-sulphur and concentrated ammonia. Today on the shelves of seed stores you will see innumerable brands on display. If in doubt at all, you name your problem and let your favorite nursery prescribe the remedy.
Bacteria are the some of the smallest form of life the gardener will come in contact with. They are spread by insects and cause scab, blight and wilt. Control the insect carriers of bacterial diseases by spraying often.
Virus diseases are spread by sucking insects such as aphids. Aphids are small, soft bodied, and numerous in species and color. Control the insect carriers of virus diseases by spraying with any of the well known contact sprays.
Physiological diseases from excessive drought or too much rainfall; from poor ventilation or even mechanical injury, must be controlled by some counteracting measure of cultivation or method of production like ginger plant care. Damping-off for instance can be checked by soil sterilization, proper ventilation and by charcoal and mercurial treatments. Do this tips in order to care for your ginger plant and others plants.
Early in the morning or in the evening is the best time to apply either liquid sprays or dust controls. Stomach poison controls should be applied after a rainfall; disease controls before, if possible. Do not apply insecticides or fungicides if the temperature is 78 degrees or more, else foliage burning may result.
Start insect and fungi control in the autumn of the year by tidying up your garden. Burn all rubbish ; cut out dead twigs and branches and burn them too; and in early spring commence spraying; don't wait until infestation is beyond control. - 29857
About the Author:
Thomas Fryd frequently contributes to This time he is ready with something on ginger plant care that can roll back all the confusion