In Northern United States and Canada
Now is the time to check out seed catalogs and online along with placing orders. Early in the month sow seeds of Clarkia, Godedia, Larkspur, Stocks and other annuals for Spring bloom in the greenhouse. Toward the end of January sow in the greenhouse Wax Begonias, Lobelias, Vinca roses, Delphiniums and Pansies for Summer bloom outdoors...
Remove pots of bulbs, such as Hyacinths, Daffodils and Tulips, that are to be forced for early bloom, a few at a time, from the cool basement or sand bed outdoors where they have been rooting, and bring them into the greenhouse or house. Shade them for the first few days and give them lots of water at all times. Keep them cool at first; increase the temperature gradually.
As soon as dormant potted Amaryllis bulbs show signs of life, remove a little of the old surface soil, replace with rich new soil, water thoroughly and place the pots in a warm, light location in the greenhouse or house. Pot new Amaryllis bulbs in well-drained pots of fertile sandy soil.
Disperse heavy accumulations of snow on evergreens by shaking the branches. Allow snow to remain on coldframes until it melts naturally. It provides good insulation. Branches of Christmas trees may be laid over evergreen perennials (such as Dianthus, Helianthemums and Candytuft) to give protection from sun and wind. Check tools and supplies now. Winter passes all too swiftly and with its end comes the immediate need for these. Make sure that the tools and implements you have are in good working condition. Buy whatever new ones you need. Also, make a list of the fertilizers, sprays and other supplies you will require and order them in.
In the South
Make sowings of annuals for early bloom either outdoors or in coldframes as soon as weather permits. In the lower South sow Carrots, Lettuce, Onions, Peas, Spinach and other hardy vegetable crops. Set out Cabbage plants and Onion sets. Plant Asparagus, Rhubarb and Horseradish. Proceed with preparing ground for later plantings. Almost all garden soils will benefit from having rotted manure, compost or other decayed organic matter incorporated into them.
Finish pruning Grapevines and complete the pruning of other fruits before new growth begins. Also, before new growth starts, apply dormant sprays to such fruit trees and ornamentals as need this treatment. Plant bulbs of Ranunculus, Tuberoses, Gerberas and Ismenes for Summer bloom. In the lower and middle South do not delay the planting of trees, shrubs, Gerberas, evergreens and Roses.
On the West Coast
Prune leaf-losing fruits and ornamentals that need this attention and complete this work before mid-February. Rose pruning should be done now in California. Attend to dormant spraying before new growth starts but not when night temperatures are likely to go below 35 degrees. In California gardens prepare plots for vegetables and make sowings of the hardiest kinds. Fertilize lawns and dig out patches of invading Bermuda Grass. Make early plantings of such bulbs and tubers as Begonias, Calla Lilies, Gladioli, Gloxinias and Tigridias. In southern California sow annuals, set out perennials and, following rains, plant trees and shrubs. - 29857
Now is the time to check out seed catalogs and online along with placing orders. Early in the month sow seeds of Clarkia, Godedia, Larkspur, Stocks and other annuals for Spring bloom in the greenhouse. Toward the end of January sow in the greenhouse Wax Begonias, Lobelias, Vinca roses, Delphiniums and Pansies for Summer bloom outdoors...
Remove pots of bulbs, such as Hyacinths, Daffodils and Tulips, that are to be forced for early bloom, a few at a time, from the cool basement or sand bed outdoors where they have been rooting, and bring them into the greenhouse or house. Shade them for the first few days and give them lots of water at all times. Keep them cool at first; increase the temperature gradually.
As soon as dormant potted Amaryllis bulbs show signs of life, remove a little of the old surface soil, replace with rich new soil, water thoroughly and place the pots in a warm, light location in the greenhouse or house. Pot new Amaryllis bulbs in well-drained pots of fertile sandy soil.
Disperse heavy accumulations of snow on evergreens by shaking the branches. Allow snow to remain on coldframes until it melts naturally. It provides good insulation. Branches of Christmas trees may be laid over evergreen perennials (such as Dianthus, Helianthemums and Candytuft) to give protection from sun and wind. Check tools and supplies now. Winter passes all too swiftly and with its end comes the immediate need for these. Make sure that the tools and implements you have are in good working condition. Buy whatever new ones you need. Also, make a list of the fertilizers, sprays and other supplies you will require and order them in.
In the South
Make sowings of annuals for early bloom either outdoors or in coldframes as soon as weather permits. In the lower South sow Carrots, Lettuce, Onions, Peas, Spinach and other hardy vegetable crops. Set out Cabbage plants and Onion sets. Plant Asparagus, Rhubarb and Horseradish. Proceed with preparing ground for later plantings. Almost all garden soils will benefit from having rotted manure, compost or other decayed organic matter incorporated into them.
Finish pruning Grapevines and complete the pruning of other fruits before new growth begins. Also, before new growth starts, apply dormant sprays to such fruit trees and ornamentals as need this treatment. Plant bulbs of Ranunculus, Tuberoses, Gerberas and Ismenes for Summer bloom. In the lower and middle South do not delay the planting of trees, shrubs, Gerberas, evergreens and Roses.
On the West Coast
Prune leaf-losing fruits and ornamentals that need this attention and complete this work before mid-February. Rose pruning should be done now in California. Attend to dormant spraying before new growth starts but not when night temperatures are likely to go below 35 degrees. In California gardens prepare plots for vegetables and make sowings of the hardiest kinds. Fertilize lawns and dig out patches of invading Bermuda Grass. Make early plantings of such bulbs and tubers as Begonias, Calla Lilies, Gladioli, Gloxinias and Tigridias. In southern California sow annuals, set out perennials and, following rains, plant trees and shrubs. - 29857
About the Author:
Marshall Clewis shares his knowledge at Knowledge is power - get more power and find out more about gerberas.